For the Little One, Who Is No More Little

Today, I ideally should have been at one place, or to be more specific with one person. Because it is his day today. 

In the last 6 years since that person has arrived in this world, I/we found it both amusing & nightmarish raising him. Though, in the real sense of it, it is the mothers who raise the kids. Fathers can complain all they want why kids are closer to their mothers, but they choose the right person, for reasons which are right too. Let's not digress. 

Every year, in his birthday, we made sure all the necessary checklist is ticked off. It was difficult to celebrate 2 birthdays during lockdowns (1 during complete shutdown), but we somehow managed, more importantly he was happy with whatever little arrangements were made. I was surprised and happy seeing him not complaining. May be that's how kids are, happy with whatever they get, may be that's how we all should be. Easier said than practiced, right?

6 years have passed in a flash. I already want him to not grow anymore, when I thought his first 2 were not that easy, I missed those 2 years when he was 4. Same applies now, where I feel he should never have grown beyond 4 years. I see him grow every day and dread his childhood would be over before we can even realize. In these 6 years, I learned, re-learned and unlearned so many parenting steps. I wouldn't hesitate admitting that I thought I would ace it as a father, only to realize I am not even close.

He taught us so many things, he made us change as human beings and more importantly he made us more aware of who we are and how we behave. And I am sure this this transformation will only continue. Whether we would evolve as better parents or not, we do not know, what we should strive is to be ally in his progress - education, exploring places & so on.

As he turns 6 today, he is smarter than what I was at 12. He is confident and does things I haven't even thought at that age. For someone like me who never sugarcoats his appreciation, more so for the people he knows very closely, I must admit that he has been a bright young kid and feel happy being his father. And yes, he has not feared a single prick, something I am horribly scared. 

Today, he should have been at home. We should have been at home. A cake would have come, so are his friends. But that's not happening. He would say thank you to all the wishes from his hospital bed.

Get well soon, dear son, for you have to climb a mountain and I am more than sure you would do it, in your own way, in style. And as we both interact - kya bhidu, jaldi discharge hoke ghar aneka na.

Happy 6th, Sachit.

(I wrote this in the morning, but stars aligned and the dude got discharged in the evening)
