
Showing posts from August, 2008

Love Your Job....Your Company Too

I. Me. My job. I love my job. I love my company. Am I making contradictory statements? Is loving your job and your company are two different things altogether! The reason for writing this is not because somebody famously quoted “ love your job, not your company; as you never know when your company will stop loving you”.   I thought to write because as a fellow professional, I just asked myself one simple thing: is it wrong to love your company or is it wrong to be loyal to your company? If the answer to this question is 'yes', then I gotta study for another 15 years to change my thinking and perspective. Especially in a competitive and a challenging market scenario where attrition rate is so high and head-hunting and poaching is the order of the day, being loyal to your organization is considered as not-so-trendy!!! What an irony! I have to answer infinite number of questions from 'N' number of people as to why I am still in my first organization for more than a ye