
Showing posts from March, 2017

This a nyc post... read & njy mah frndzzzzz

What has happened to us? Especially, in last few years where technology has barged into our lives and has made a permanent place. We have messed up few of our habits, from not speaking to someone and staying glued to our mobile handsets to writing a language which this particular planet, which we call Earth, has never invented. Sample the below conversation. “R u k?” “Ys, m k” “Nyc... Hw is evr1 @ home” “Kul…... It is bn long we met” “Ryt ya, lets meet ya” “Bt u stay buzy alwys, no tyme fr frndzzzzzz” “U r also buzy-types. Neva free…….” “Anywys, lets catch ths weeknd.” “BTW, wen u cum, get ma buk” “K bye. Gn” “C ya. Gnsdtc” Before we even start talking about what we just witnessed above, what will be more surprising is that most of us read it almost everyday and have become normal with it, while many of us picked it up as well. Because we feel that till the time we can read and understand something, what is the need to be correct (not even perfect) a