
Showing posts from 2022

About a Superhero and A Year I Do Not Want To Remember !!!

Last year, the one everyone thought is post-Covid, didn't exactly turn out to be one. People still suffered from the Wuhan virus. The job market did not recover as much as it was expected. Now, in June 2022, we are probably, I repeat - probably, seeing the last leg of this Chinese virus. It appeared twice inside my body, even after me being the most mask-compliant person in my circle. Everyone in the home has gone through the virus once. Mother suffered the most, being the only one who had to be admitted in the hospital. Symptoms started from the last week of July 2021, went from bad to worse in the first week of August. Along with her, father and younger brother were detected positive too. When I was WhatsApped her reports of lungs CT scan amongst other half a dozen reports, I had to book a flight close to midnight for the next morning. I reached home, had some water, picked up the vehicle keys and went to a Pulmonologist to get his feedback. Admitted her the same day evening. The