About a Superhero and A Year I Do Not Want To Remember !!!

Last year, the one everyone thought is post-Covid, didn't exactly turn out to be one. People still suffered from the Wuhan virus. The job market did not recover as much as it was expected. Now, in June 2022, we are probably, I repeat - probably, seeing the last leg of this Chinese virus. It appeared twice inside my body, even after me being the most mask-compliant person in my circle.

Everyone in the home has gone through the virus once. Mother suffered the most, being the only one who had to be admitted in the hospital. Symptoms started from the last week of July 2021, went from bad to worse in the first week of August. Along with her, father and younger brother were detected positive too. When I was WhatsApped her reports of lungs CT scan amongst other half a dozen reports, I had to book a flight close to midnight for the next morning. I reached home, had some water, picked up the vehicle keys and went to a Pulmonologist to get his feedback. Admitted her the same day evening.

The next 7 days of her being in the hospital, my family recovering, me staying in a hotel in my hometown, speaking to a bunch of doctors, finding actual help from the most unexpected quarters - I would never be able to forget those.  While I was working from the hotel, I was going to the hospital during breaks, so that I can video call my mother just to let her know that I am in the same building as she is. I never felt the distance as long as that when I was not allowed to meet her.

In between all this, I was in the last round of a long selection process for a job opportunity. The process was ongoing for over 50 days. The day I checked into the hotel, I was sent the first proposal and the negotiations began. My mental state at that point in time was so misplaced that I was hardly able to comprehend the numbers that were emailed to me. But I had thought about moving on. I was in the 11th year of my assignment in my previous organization. But I also knew I am entering a very unfamiliar territory. The proposal was finalized a day before mother was cleared to be discharged. Forget about being excited, I was not eventhinking about it.

The day we went to get her, the hospital made us go around from one counter to another for 6 hours before she could sit in the car. The journey back was quiet. Never have I ever felt so calm. I was talking non-stop when we went to the hospital with all possible consoling words with fake statistics of how nothing happens and 99.9% of people come back home in 3 days.

I spent 9 more days at home before I had to leave. Because I had to put down my papers. I did on 21st of August. Was not happy at all. My notice period was waived off partially upon my sincere request. A month went in a flash & I found myself with another employer. What happened post that is for another day. For another post. Maybe a series of posts. 

Was I scared? Yes. I was scared as early was the time she was detected with Covid and the level increased with every additional test report. I was scared of the fact that she will have no attendants with her. I was scared for my younger brother one night when he had severe breathing issues. I was scared of leaving an organization which played a key role in what I am today. I was scared of leaving a boss who never really bossed me but gave me freedom to make mistakes. I was scared of not finding colleagues who were like family. I was scared every time she used to tell me how one more person next to her could not make it. I was scared in the hotel room for many nights where I did not know what the next day would look like. I was scared of so many things.

But what scared me the most? It was that 25 minute drive from home to the hospital on 5th of August 2021 where I was breaking down internally while my father was sitting next to me and mother behind. I could not show it, because I had to be the stronger one that day. Stronger than the two people who raised me and made me who I am.

Mother returned home and turning down all our requests, went to the kitchen and started working as if nothing had happened. Have you seen superheroes? What do they look like? I have seen one and she likes to wear cotton sarees.

(P.S. In the picture, you can see that in the middle of tons of medicines, there are bangles and a ring. One night when she was feeling very sick, mother removed all these. She thought she wouldn't make it to the next morning. Indian mothers have traditionally been dramatic, but this act was both painful and dramatic. I laugh about it now, I surely did not when I saw it first time)
